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AI Web Application Development

Step into the future of web development with Q15's AI Web Application Development course.

Designed for web developers with a solid foundation in JavaScript, this four-month program will teach you to build intelligent web applications using powerful AI models like OpenAI's GPT. With two expert coaches guiding a small group online, you'll gain hands-on experience with AI integration, authentication, Next.js, SQL databases like Postgres, continuous integration/deployment (CI/CD), and Agile methodologies. This course equips you with the skills to excel in today’s fast-changing tech landscape.

Key Highlights:

  • Personalized coaching from industry experts
  • Real-world projects with AI integration
  • Mastery of modern development practices, including CI/CD and Agile
  • Expertise in tools and frameworks like Next.js, authentication, and SQL databases
  • Fully online, simulating a remote work environment
Certification Seal

100% funded by the

At a glance

Max. participants: 12
Duration: 16 weeks (~30 hours per week)
Cost: 9491.20 (100% funded by the Bundesagentur für Arbeit)

Entry requirements

  • Computer Proficiency: Ability to use a computer effectively.
  • Web Fundamentals: Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Language Skills: Proficiency in both English and German (B1 level).

Before joining the course, there will be an interview and pair-programming session to check the suitability of applicants and ensure they meet these requirements.

These prerequisites help ensure that all participants have the foundational skills and knowledge necessary to successfully complete the course.

Starting dates

Nov 4, 2024

Ends on Feb 26, 2025

Mar 10, 2025

Ends on Jul 7, 2025


This course isn’t about sitting through lectures. It’s about diving in and getting your hands on the code. Over 16 weeks, you'll move through two distinct phases, each designed to build your skills progressively.

Learning Phases

Weeks 1 - 12: Individual Projects

For the first 12 weeks, you’ll complete four individual projects. Each project is carefully crafted to help you master different aspects of AI integration and full-stack web development. These aren’t isolated tasks—they’re real-world challenges that build on each other. As you progress, you’ll revisit key concepts like AI model integration, responsive design, and Agile methodologies, each time applying them in more complex ways. This spiral approach ensures you deepen your understanding while tackling increasingly sophisticated projects.

Weeks 13 - 16: Open-Source Collaborative Project

The final 4 weeks are where you really bring it all together. You’ll team up with your peers to work on an open-source project that will be used by real people. This isn’t just an academic exercise; it’s a chance to contribute to a live project, handling everything from project management to deployment. You’ll apply the skills you’ve honed over the previous weeks—like version control, CI/CD, and UI/UX design—in a collaborative environment, preparing you for the teamwork and problem-solving you'll face in the industry.

How the Concepts Come to Life

Throughout these projects, you’ll not only be coding—you’ll be integrating powerful AI models, building scalable web applications, designing responsive interfaces, and much more. The concepts we cover aren’t taught in isolation. They’re embedded in the work you do, so you’ll learn by doing. Whether it's chaining AI models together for a complex task or implementing Agile methodologies to manage your projects, every concept is tied to real, practical outcomes. By the end of the course, these ideas won’t just be theories—you’ll have used them to create something tangible.

What you'll learn

A young developer working on code at his desk during sunset, with two monitors displaying programming code. The warm glow of the sunset contrasts with the cool tones of the room, creating a focused yet relaxed atmosphere. A rubber duck sits on the desk, likely used for debugging, and plants add a touch of nature to the workspace.

Integrating AI Models in Web Applications

Learn to seamlessly integrate AI into your web applications. You'll start by generating content like text, images, and audio using powerful AI models. As you progress, you'll master working with Large Language Models and other advanced tools, equipping you to transform your applications with cutting-edge AI technology. This isn't just about theory—every concept you learn will be directly applied in the projects you work on, giving you the practical skills needed to build intelligent, responsive web applications​.

A developer working on a computer with code on the screen, visualizing data connections and AI models interacting above the monitor. The scene illustrates the integration of AI into web development, with vibrant digital networks extending from the computer. A rubber duck, a common debugging tool, sits on the desk, adding a touch of humor and familiarity to the workspace.

Building Scalable Full-Stack Web Applications

It’s not just about AI—your app needs a solid foundation. You’ll dive into the latest web technologies like TypeScript and Next.js to build scalable, maintainable applications. Learn how to create robust client-server architectures with server-side rendering, static site generation, and API routes. You’ll also get hands-on with state management and server actions, ensuring your applications are as efficient as they are powerful.

A developer stands in front of a laptop, explaining a complex network of AI models and processes visualized behind her. The image illustrates the concept of chaining AI models to perform multi-step tasks. A rubber duck sits on the desk, symbolizing the debugging process. The scene emphasizes the strategic integration and optimization of AI technologies to create intelligent applications.

Chaining and Integrating AI Models for Intelligent Applications

Good AI developers know that it’s not just about using a single model. It’s about combining them to get the best results. You’ll learn to chain AI models together—think of models writing prompts for other models—to perform complex, multi-step tasks. From text generation and image creation to speech processing, you’ll discover how to integrate models from different providers, optimizing performance and cost. As AI features mature, this skill will set you apart, allowing you to build more efficient, intelligent applications.

A developer working on a computer screen, designing a user interface with various layout elements visible. The image highlights the process of implementing responsive and accessible UI/UX designs. A rubber duck, commonly used for debugging, sits on the desk, adding a familiar touch to the scene. The environment suggests a focus on creating user-friendly and inclusive applications.

Implementing Responsive and Accessible UI/UX Designs

A good app isn’t just about looks—it’s about making sure everyone can use it. You’ll master UI and UX design principles while sharpening your coding skills. Learn how to create responsive designs that work on any device and ensure accessibility for all users. This module covers essential tools like Figma, design systems, and atomic design principles. You’ll also dive into CSS frameworks like Tailwind to build interfaces that are both visually appealing and user-friendly.

A developer sits at a desk, analyzing a complex flowchart on the screen that visualizes Agile workflows and processes. The image highlights the practical application of Agile methodologies in software development. A rubber duck, commonly associated with debugging, is placed on the desk, adding a familiar and lighthearted element to the workspace.

Agile Methodologies in Software Development

Shipping features is what it’s all about. You’ll master Agile methodologies—not as buzzwords, but as practical tools to get things done. Learn how to use frameworks like Scrum and Kanban to keep projects on track. From daily stand-ups to sprint planning and retrospectives, you’ll gain hands-on experience in managing the workflows that get features out the door. Plus, you’ll tackle real-world challenges like effort estimation, technical debt, and handling bugs and feature requests, all within the dynamics of an Agile team.

A developer sits at a desk, reviewing code on a monitor with the text bubble "LGTM" (Looks Good To Me) displayed. The scene highlights the process of code review and version control. A rubber duck, symbolizing debugging, is placed on the desk. The setting emphasizes the importance of careful code management and review in the development process.

Version Control and CI/CD

Even if you’re not a DevOps engineer, knowing how your code makes it to production is crucial. You’ll learn the fundamentals of version control with tools like Git and GitHub, covering everything from branching and merging to managing pull requests. Then, dive into Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) with tools like GitHub Actions and Vercel. You’ll set up pipelines that automate testing, integration, and deployment, ensuring your applications are always ready for production.

A developer sits at a desk, engaged in a virtual interview displayed on one monitor, with a job application and resume visible on another screen. A thought bubble above shows job search elements like resumes and applications, reflecting the focus on career development and job preparation. A rubber duck, symbolizing the debugging process, sits on the desk. The scene emphasizes the importance of strategic job search techniques, guided by professional insights.

Career Development and Job Preparation

This isn’t just about landing your first job—it’s about building a successful career in tech. Guided by experienced developers, you’ll learn how to craft resumes and cover letters that truly showcase your skills. But we go beyond that. You’ll optimize your LinkedIn profile, develop a strong professional brand, and master interview techniques with real-world insights. Plus, you’ll get strategic advice on spotting good teams and companies, helping you navigate the job market not just for now, but for the long haul.

Quietscheentchen (Q15) - A. van der Bergh © 2024